20 Nov Cancer in 2018
What will happen to Cancer in the year of 2018?
Happiness is where your heart lies.
– Finale Future
It is a complete makeover for Cancer in the year of 2018. Rahu (North Node of the Moon) is going over your Ascendant right now. This coming year is all about you. You will become even more sensitive towards life during this period. After the expansion in your earnings income and the focus on the family, life shifts to a whole new level now. Everything about your life is going to change rapidly. Forget your usual daily routine for you have a lot more to deal with now. Whatever you are planning for in your life, leave some space for radical changes ahead. Everything that you think are going to happen will not happen exactly as you planned out for life has a different route for you now. Your destiny will bring out whatever it is that you should be experiencing.
After the Solar Eclipse on February 15 in your 8th house, expect even more unexpected events to come your way. As this is the house obstacles with Neptune in it, expect some unforeseen events to spur up leaving you no clues to make heads and tails of it. The timing of the events will be unknown so handle things as they come up spontaneously. Actions will be taken impromptu unless you already know what is going to happen. Sums of money was supposed to due to you seems to be moving ahead now. Any chronic health problems that you have are going to be revealed without a root cause. Take care of your health as you deal with the ups and downs of life.
Ketu (South Node of the Moon) has moved into your 7th house of marriage and partnerships. As much as you want to keep your personal relationships steady, you might not have a chance to do so at this time. You do have to be more careful regarding your relationships as it is going through a rough patch now. Someone from the past might come back for a revisit and inspire you. Ketu is crossing over it while Saturn ruling the 7th house is in the 6th house of difficulties now. Saturn also aspects the 12th house of seclusion. Relationship is not going the way that you want to. Pay attention to it but don’t stay too attached to relationship sector alone for you have a lot on your plate to deal with this year. Remember that your whole life is undergoing a big shift.
After the Solar Eclipse on August 11 in your Ascendant, your life is going to change even further. Whatever that has happened before this was just a precursor of what is about to change and prepares you for the road ahead. After the Solar Eclipse, the changes will be initiated whether you want it or not. You will be glad that you are mentally prepared for it. After you feel more settled with your new life, you will be calling the shots for you will then be more in charge of your life. By the end of 2018, you will feel the complete makeover.
Jupiter will transits into your 4th house of home and happiness now. Venus will conjoin Jupiter in the same house with retrograding motion from September onwards till in the end of the year. Your whole life could be changing to due to a shift into your new house. Any new home purchase will be settled by this year. There is so much packing and unpacking that you have done but you just couldn’t take a break just yet. You have to physically and psychologically adjust to your new home and location and let it blend in into your life. Any intention to sell away your properties, this can be a perfect time to do so. Both Jupiter and Venus blesses your 4th house and let you find the perfect buyer in time to come, especially near the end of the year. As Jupiter rules the 9th house of fortune and Venus rules the 11th house of great gains, luck will be with you for any property management.
As Jupiter shifts into your 5th house of creativity in mid-October from October 11 onwards, your house project will come to a close. Embark on a new creative pursuit that will be worthwhile in your life. Do something useful in your life. Ideas will keep popping up in your head. After settling down in your new furnished house, is it time for a new family member to join in the house? Jupiter will be mutual aspecting Rahu in your 1st house. A newborn baby is expected. Any family planning should be well thought out. Expect those baby tears to bring tears of joy in your eyes in the coming year.
Mars as your yogakaraka planet is going to retrograde exalted in your 7th house of relationships and partnerships. As both Mars and Ketu are going to be in your 7th house of marriage, you do have to watch out for your relationship progression with your spouse or lover. Even Saturn ruling your 7th house resides in a difficult 6th house this year. Pay special attention to your relationship from May 4 to November 6 when Mars is giving problems to your house of relationship. If the rapport is not strong enough, this could be the time that the link is broken. For the relationship that is still going strong, you still have to bite the bullet to pull through together. This can only be done with mutual understanding from both parties. As the destructive Mars is exalted in this house, the destructive impact is greater than normal. Embrace whatever is to come for better times for relationship is still lying ahead.
Mars being a yogakaraka planet can give you both troubles and success at this time. Any business dealings and career progression will be moving along but you are not able to see the impact as yet. You will have unusual creative ideas on your career that will only bear fruits after you spent the time and effort on it. As both Mars and Jupiter are aspecting your 10th house of career where Uranus is, there could be sudden changes and upheavals in your career. All your time is spent in your life-changing events that even your career will join in the stress of changes. Now you know you have a lot to deal with in your life this year.
Both Jupiter and Saturn are aspecting your 8th house of obstacles and 12th house of isolations. In the 8th house of transformation, you have to surrender your control of the events happening in your life. Whatever that will happen is going to happen anyway. While you can improve the situations of things, ultimately you have not much control over the results. Control is an illusion and let nature handle the outcome. The only thing that you have control over is your response. After all so many things are going to happen in your life, doing your best to handle them is more than enough. By surrendering your control of the outcome, you can change the experience of the experiences that you are going to have. After releasing your control, Jupiter goes over to you 5th house in October to allow you to fully express yourself creatively.
With your 12th house of isolation also activated at the same time, it is a good to seclude yourself from time to time to absorb the changes in your mind. Take a break from everything or even go for a vacation at times to break out of the stressful life transitions. You will need time off to align with the external situations into your internal landscape. Saturn ruling the 7th house of relationship and 8th house of transformation in the 6th house of difficulties aspecting the 12th house of seclusion further indicates the seclusion that is very much needed for you now to reconnect to your soul on a deeper level. Without this reconnection, you will totally lose yourself into the external situations passing through your life and you will have no control of yourself over whatever that is going to happen. Saturn in the 6th house is aspecting the 8th house and 12th house, and all the dusthana houses are activated. Take good care of yourself and don’t let the adversities ride over you. Mercury retrograding in your dharma houses of 1st house, 5th house, and 9th house at different times of the year will help you to find back your purpose in life.
This is just a snippet of the possible life events that will happen to you in general in the year of 2018. To find out what exactly will happen in your personal life, please check out our Astrology Services below.
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Note: Above are the predictions based on your true Ascendant or Moon sign in Sidereal calendar. It is not based on your Solar Sun sign.
To find out where your Ascendant sign and Moon sign are in your birth chart in sidereal calendar, please check out our Astrology Reports below.
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