06 Sep Mercury Goes Direct in Leo 2017
Mercury has turned direct conjoined Mars near the Royal Star Regulus potently aligned with recent Solar Eclipse. All kinds of communications delay are slowly clearing up and information is ready to surface. Leaderships on the world stage are undergoing massive changes. Leo sign on the area of your life that is impacting you has an increased level of awareness and direction, ready to be acted upon. You will have a clearer perception on the matter gradually as Mercury gets into speed and conjunct Mars exactly on September 16. You will know better how to proceed to pursue your desire but watch your speech. Speech and actions based on anger and fear will be backfired.
With Saturn closely watching all Mars, Mercury, and Sun, goals will be hampered by your own fears and obstructions. Now that communications is opened up, obstructions are inevitable and only temporary. Patience and courage are required to proceed in the healthy direction.
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